+41 (0) 61 545 95 95

08 - St. Alban Fähre

From CHF 26

Hop-On Information

We stop directly above the stairs to the ferry - see pic. Corner Fischerweg / Schaffhauserrheinweg

Bus departure times According timetable

Hop-off highlights

Things you can do from the “St. Alban-Fähre” stop:

- Take the ferry across the Rhine and get back on the bus at “Papiermühle”. Please tell the bus driver that you would like to get back on at “Papiermühle”.

- Visit the old ‘Warteck’ or http://werkraumwarteckpp.ch . Old converted brewery with a restaurant, artists’ workshops, studios, music and dance. 

More information and audio-guide in our app: 

From CHF 26

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PDF Facts

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  1. Basel